Minecraft 1.9 Snapshot 15W32C
The latest Minecraft 1.9 Snapshot 15W32C is now available in auto-install from your minecraft control panel.
Improved Ender Dragon fight, now with more cowbell!Better handling of using items in both the mainhand and offhand.Some monsters have problems with their vision now, but we don’t have the time to code glasses for them.Generic upgrade path for world saves, this is very technical internal stuff that you’ll only notice if it goes wrong, but it makes our lives easy.Added a thing to the system with the values. Can’t be more specific, no spoilers.
bug fixes
Large optimisations to particles.Increased range and count limit of particles.Changed the beacon block to a bacon block in the End ships.TNT animation ends at 80 ticks, ignores fuse length changes.ArmorStands with "EntityTag" don't spawn
Redesigned world select screen.Another thing with values.Potions are tasting much better now, especially the harmful ones.Potions in new snapshot turn into water bottles with no texture / missing textureKicked from server when in certain areaDragon respawns in old world/replaceitem cannot place non-armor items into Armor Stands' head slotEnderdragon can't die unless perched on portalCrash on shooting ender dragon with an arrowCommand block minecarts despawn after loading world.
Nametags still show while player is invisible and on teamShulker projectile follows player in spectator mode and creative modeEnderdragon can't die unless perched on portalWhen fishing rod is cast, all fishing rods look like it was cast out to sea tooalmost all potion and tipped arrows are blackPlacing End Rod on End Rod sends "hslsdjfksdlk" to output log twice