Bungeecord FAQ and Tutorials

What does mean my options in my panel properties ?
Here are listed the BungeeCord parameters avaible on your Panel :

Player slots :

  • Here you can define the Network maximum slots. This value is the one which is shown in the multiplayer list in Minecraft. (You can set it to -1 for unlimited slots)

Tablist mode :

  • Here you can define the Tablist mode.

    • Show all players on BungeeCord with updated ping show all your players connected on your Network, ping will be updated.

    • Show all players on BungeeCord with static ping show all your players connected on your Network, ping will not be updated.

    • Show only player on the current server show players connected on the current server

Tablist size :

  • Here you can define the number of players in the TabList.

Server timeout :

  • Here you can define after how much time (in ms) BungeeCord must disconnect all players.

Connection throttle :

  • Here you can define the minimum delay between each connection.

Ping passthrough :

  • If turned on, server will show the Network Ping and not the current server Ping.

Force default server :

  • If turned on, players will be forced to joind your default server on each connection.

IP Forward :

  • Whether to enable IP (which forwards the players true IP to Bukkit, rather than the proxy IP) and UUID forwarding (which forwards the players true online-mode UUID to Bukkit, rather than an offline-mode username hash!)